Every "body" needs B Vitamins

When was the last time you felt great - really great - with the energy, stamina and mental focus you need to live your life the way you want to, the way it was meant to be lived ? Do you know that fatigue, depression, memory loss - all from a lack of a simple B Vitamin ?
With all the hectic demands of today, most people could use more energy. In fact, not just energy, most people could use better mood, mental clarity and memory to tackle daily routines. There are days in a year when you feel tired, anxious or angry, but if you consistently experience exhaustion, bad mood swing, forgetfulness or brain fog, it may be a sign of something more urgent, something that many clinical studies and scientific researches in the past and present have uncovered : a startling fact which confirms that those symptoms are triggered by a low level or a deficiency of the B Vitamins !
B Vitamins are nature's feel-fabulous, enjoy-life-again nutrients, giving you more than just an energy boost, it jumpstarts your enthusiasm, zest and brings you a positive mental outlook, it supports your bones and cells, and being recognized as the fountain of youth, B Vitamins play vital roles in regulating prime cognitive (brain) function, cardiovascular health, energy level, sleep health, proper neurological function, emotional balance, stamina level and mental fitness. B Vitamins give you the fuel you need to conquer your days, to experience a vibrant health that lasts all day, every day.
B Vitamin deficiency : its undesirable results and risk factors
The way you feel is a great indicator of your need for B Vitamins. You don't want to be deficient in B Vitamins for a number of reasons. First of all, a deficiency can deplete your energy stores, affect your concentration or focus, mood balance, stamina and mental health, furthermore, a severe deficiency of B Vitamins can also lead to these undesirable medical conditions :
- Extreme fatigue
- Anemia
- Shortness of breath
- Fainting
- Tingling of the hands
- Hallucinationsand feet
- Pale skin
- Vision loss
- Irritability
- Depression
- Personality change
- Psychosis
- Elevated homocysteine (the toxic amino acid) level
- Stroke
- Heart disease
- Heart palpitations
- Memory Loss
- Brain fog/brain erosion (B-12 deficiency can cause actual brain erosion if you are over 30)
- Dementia
- Alzheimer's Disease
So how B Vitamin deficiency comes about ? What are the risk factors that can contribute to a B Vitamin deficiency ? Anyone can be deficient of B Vitamin nutrients for several reasons such as :
- Age (after age 40 our body is becoming less able to absorb essential B Vitamin nutrients for instance B-6 and B-12)
- Stress
- Vegetarian lifestyle
- Smoking
- Digestive disorders (e.g.: celiac or Crohn's)
- Gastric disease
- Have had gastrointestinal surgery
- Certain prescription drugs
Why the "B" Vitamins are so important
When we look at the vital roles B Vitamins have in our daily lives, and the broad implications of having B Vitamin deficiency that can affect our health and life in the most unpleasant ways which most of us likely won't realize it soon enough, it seems quite obvious how important these "life-changing" vitamins are for each person to gain and enjoy a robust health. From the scientific research field the true importance of B Vitamins on many aspects of our health has also been confirmed through extensive, multinational studies in the last few decades which have produced significant results that explain the relationship between B Vitamin deficiency and the existence of some diseases and medical conditions that are outlined above. Countless medical studies and researches since many years ago had found credible evidences that show that B Vitamin deficiency can cause more than just a lack of energy, in other dimension, scientific discoveries about the power of B Vitamins are prompting us to rethink the (old) ideas that mental decline, memory problem, lack of concentration, decreased ability to think clearly and quickly are inevitable, normal parts of the aging process. The connection between mental functioning, neurological condition, cardiovascular health problems, emotional health disorder and disability with deficiency of B Vitamins has been proven and reported in numerous medical journals and accepted by leading health care professionals.
The homocysteine - stroke connection | Homocysteine (HCY) was first linked to stroke in 1966. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is related to higher risks of heart disease. Homocysteine is used as an independent risk factor to measure a person's level of risk of getting stroke and heart disease. HCY basically is still needed by our body for supporting regulatory process, and at small quantity HCY is safe, a big problem arises when HCY reaches excessive level since it can wreak havoc on healthy arteries. Pioneering medical researcher, Kilmer McCully, discovered that young people with high levels of homocysteine have heart attacks and strokes more often than people of the same age with lower levels of homocysteine. Was this the same protein responsible for these type of attacks in older people ? As time went along and research progressed, the link between high levels of homocysteine and stroke becomes stronger and stronger. Today there is no dispute : a high level of homocysteine is a strong predictor of stroke at any age.
There are few nutrients that can help reduce excess homocysteine, but only three combined vitamins (B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid) are at the heart of any strategy to lower homocysteine. It's important to remember that a lower level of homocysteine means a lowered risk of stroke. B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid individually has special function that deals specifically with HCY; Folic Acid (in pure form) works to prevent HCY from ever being formed, it’s the best to have Folic Acid in less pure form to ensure the formation of HCY in minimum amounts; Vitamin B-6 works to initiate rapid excretion of excess HCY; Vitamin B-12 works to stabilize the level of homocysteine by converting it to a beneficial protein.
Since over 30 years ago there are some major highlights on discoveries made by medical community around the world that confirm the direct effects of B Vitamin deficiency that create some of the prevalent illnesses and health problems we know of today. The following are those discoveries.
Dr. Alfred Libby has uttered his research finding back in the ‘70s about how B Vitamins play a major role in normalizing the amount of homocysteine in our body when this toxic amino acid goes above ideal level range which can increase our risk of having heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's.
A Norwegian study - conducted on 587 patients with coronary heart disease - demonstrated that among all these patients the risk of death is directly related to the level of homocysteine in the blood; cholesterol, in this case, was not a predictor of death.
Medical Tribune News Service of June 28 1996 revealed that high levels of homocysteine are associated with artery thickening - a precursor to both stroke and heart disease.
Research reported in New England Journal Of Medicine (November 29, 2001 edition) conclusively demonstrates that nutritional supplementation that combines Vitamin B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid can significantly lower deadly homocysteine levels that play a key role in artery blockage (main cause for stroke and heart attack), more than 56,000 lives - according to estimation from one study - could be saved every year from heart disease by supplementing with Vitamin B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid.
The New England Journal Of Medicine publication of February 2002 edition gives some key notes explaining that high levels of homocysteine are now thought to be a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease, also that there are now mounting evidences revealing that Folic Acid may help stave off Alzheimer's Disease and its devastating effects.
The Physicians Health Study completed in 1992 showed that among its 14,000 participants, those with high homocysteine levels were three times more likely to have a heart attack during a five-year period than people with normal levels.
Different forms of depression profoundly impact over 17 million Americans and other millions of people worldwide. Neurologists and psychologists agree : deficiency of B Vitamin such as B-6 and B-12 will cause depressive or mood disorders, and B Vitamin deficiency is so easily corrected.
As written in Drugs in issue 45 of May 1993, it says that like Vitamin B-6, Folic Acid helps produce most of our mood-regulating neurochemicals where low levels of Folic Acid promote depression and high levels seem to deter it.
A study published in the Journal Of Psychiatric Research in 1986 reports that Folic Acid deficiency is common in those that experience depressive symptoms.
Several scores of study as confirmed by National Institute Of Mental Health demonstrate low levels of Vitamin B-6 in depressed patients.
Doctors Agree : B Vitamin supplementation is essential !
"My clinic serves over 48,000 patients a year - and a large percentage of them are dealing with fatigue. What they don't know is that aging plays a significant role in our ability to absorb B Vitamins. Taking a B Vitamin supplement like Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid can not only give you more stamina, it will combat dangerous homocysteine, protecting you from heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer's Disease."
Scott Conard, M.D.
Clinical and medical researches around the world have been conducted as well in the past few decades to study the impact of B Vitamins on brain health, results from study after study point especially to the role Vitamin B-12 plays in regulating mental functioning. Presented in Neurology of May 2001 edition, Swedish researchers have found that Vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid deficiencies can lead to cell death or neurological condition such as Alzheimer's Disease, in this case, elderly patients with dementia (often a precursor to Alzheimer's Disease) showed deficient levels of both vitamins. Harvard Medical School, one of the premier medical authorities in the field, plainly endorses the use of Vitamin B-12 to treat memory loss caused by deficiency of this invaluable vitamin, this prestigious school supports some of the crucial scientific research findings related to brain function and B Vitamins relationship for example B-12 deficiency can cause permanent damage to brain cells, and addressing B-12 deficiency early can provide treatment for memory loss.
Younger people at risk too ?
It's generally older adults (above the age of 40) who tend to be more prone to a deficiency of Vitamin B-12. However, scientific studies also reveal that younger people don't get enough Vitamin B-12 as well. One study (according to the National Institutes Of Health) suggests that a B-12 deficiency affects a much broader age range than many of us have thought. A research report from American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that people as young as 26 turned out to be as B-12 deficient as some people over 65.
Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid : experience the fountain of youth in one tiny tablet

Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid is a nutritional product designed to boost and recharge your energy, stamina, mood, mental clarity and brain health. Sublingual B-12 is basically a Vitamin B-12 supplement with the addition of Vitamin B-6 and Folic Acid in a small tablet. This product comes in a tiny tablet that - when it's taken daily - supplies your body with pure, life-changing nutrients of B Vitamin, which target your brain and nerves.
The word "sublingual" derived from Latin words that literally mean "under the tongue". Sublingual B-12 works by placing this tiny, but powerful tablet under your tongue (no swallowing), it quickly dissolves under the tongue (most people prefer this to doctor-administered B-12 injections), bypassing the digestive system altogether and is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream, and from there, goes to work right away to boost your energy, emotional balance, stamina and memory. For those familiar with or have taken B-12 shots in the past, Sublingual B-12 was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots' added pain and expense. Sublingual B-12 was designed to be the best alternative treatment to help people (in need of "feel-good nutrients") receive an ideal supply of B Vitamins without the pain, high cost and big time-consumption.
 Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid is invented in 1980 by Dr. Alfred F. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer who is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities on therapeutic nutrition and an associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, revolutionary formulation called sublingual delivery system to help hundreds of his own patients feel better every day for the very reason that regular B Vitamin pills just don't work, his hospital studies prove not all B Vitamin supplements are created equal, most regular B Vitamin and multivitamin supplements are not bio-available (meaning they are not easily absorbed in the body). The sublingual delivery system through utilization of a unique formula - which is a synergistic method that blends B Vitamins in the exact proportion with a perfect balance - is able to deliver slightly higher boosting performance (than the one seen in B-12 shots) on energy, emotional well-being and mental focus thanks to the specific capability of the delivery system to enable B-12, B-6, Folic Acid and other essential nutrients to be absorbed efficiently and instantly into the bloodstream at near-maximum percentage level bypassing the digestive system completely, but unlike B-12 shots, the sublingual method is pain-free, able to deliver more types of B Vitamin (including Folic Acid) and can sustain a high level of blood plasma for entire day. Laboratory studies show that Vitamin B-12 administered sublingually via Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid's delivery system raises blood plasma level of Vitamin B-12 over 90%, while regular B Vitamins when taken orally by swallowing pills can only increase blood plasma of Vitamin B-12 by merely 1.2% after passing through the digestive system.
My studies confirm 90% absorption
I invented Sublingual B-12 to bypass the digesting system, providing an infusion of B Vitamins directly into the bloodstream. My hospital studies confirm that over 90% of the vitamin content in Sublingual B-12 reaches the bloodstream.
Alfred F. Libby, M.D.
One tiny tablet of Sublingual B-12 can deliver so many benefits from B Vitamins that are vital to your body, emotional well-being and brain power, and to date, over 13 million boxes of Sublingual B-12 have been sold to more than 2 million people in North America, Australia, Western Europe, Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific (that’s over 390 million B-12 tablets !). The following are life-changing benefits of B Vitamin that you can enjoy when you take Sublingual B-12.
- Increase energy and stamina levels to enable you to feel young again.
- Provide a natural mental clarity and mental focus lift.
- Combat the blues.
- Restore emotional balance.
- Promote vibrant health.
- Lower risk of developing heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer's.
- Support restful, rejuvenating sleep.

"I was sick and tired. I had no energy. Now I feel so good that I want to go out and rake the leaves and exercise. The Sublingual B-12 helps me deal with fears. My energy came totally back and I feel wonderful. It has brought me back to life ! On a scale of 1-10, I most definitely give it a 10 !"
Seeta B. - Jacksonville, FL
"We both started taking Sublingual B-12 and noticed a change immediately"
"My husband and I received the Sublingual B-12 as a Gift Of Health from our bible teacher. We both started taking Sublingual B-12 and noticed a change immediately. My husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and suffers from dementia. We had several lab tests done and one measured his B-12 level - he was severely anemic. We showed our doctor information on the Sublingual B-12 and asked if we could try this because in the past it has made a big difference in my husband's mood swing, energy and cognitive function. He said we could try it for one month and then retest my husband. Well, the next blood test showed a B-12 level of almost 700 !
With this improvement he decided not to take the B-12 shots, which are painful and very expensive."
Dody A. - Crowley, TX
Supplement users have better results at all ages
There is an old-fashioned argument of "I can get everything I need from food." Are you ? Most people base their health on how they feel, the truth is the feeling of healthy or being in a fit physical shape now does not mean your body has gotten proper nutrition it needs for the whole day, several randomized clinical trials conducted by American Medical Association points out that diet alone doesn't guarantee the procurement of a good amount of all key vitamins (for instance B Vitamins in this case) to be utilized by our body.
One large study involving 26,000 participants concluded that not one person received the nutritional requirements set forth by the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance), also please note as well that 96% of the population (in the U.S. for example) dies of a disease - a strong indication that shows we are NOT getting proper nutrition. The clinical study done by American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition on B-12 deficiency across three age groups (ages 26-49, ages 50-64 and ages 65 and over) concluded that individuals who don’t take a vitamin supplement containing Vitamin B-12 (in other words they obtain Vitamin B-12 nutrients from foods alone) were twice as likely to be B-12 deficient as those group of people who are vitamin supplement users regardless of age group. The study suggests that we all need to take nutritional supplements or dietary supplements on a regular basis to fill the nutritional-deficiency gap that is formed by insufficient nutritions that are supplied solely by foods.
There are quite many reasons that explain why foods have limitations on providing an ideal amount of essential vitamins and minerals plus particular key factors that reduce the effectiveness of absorption of the foods by our body.
- Crop nutrient losses - Decades of agriculture have overworked and depleted soils of minerals.
- Food storage - Length of storage and freezing deplete the nutritional value of most foods.
- Environment - The use of herbicides and pesticides on crops will leave them with low nutritional value.
- Over-cooking - When foods are over-cooked, valuable food nutrients will get destroyed easily.
- Food omission - Allergies to foods, crash dieting and poorly designed vegetarian diets omit significant dietary sources of nutrients.
- Antibiotics - Taking antibiotics can interfere with the intake of essential nutrients.
- Food selection - Eating a too limited range of different food groups will result in deficiency of various nutrients.
- Stress - The higher the stress level, the greater amount of vitamins and minerals are required by our body.
- Poor digestion - Eating too much or too quickly as well as having high stress level can cause indigestion which reduces absorption of vitamins and minerals.
- Poor lifestyle habits - Unhealthy lifestyle factors such as smoking and consumption of alcoholic or caffeine-based beverages can inhibit the absorption of invaluable nutrients from vitamins and minerals or accelerate the loss of those nutrients.
Ultimately speaking, all health problems - such as those ones stemming from B Vitamin deficiency - are essentially created by unhealthy condition or damaged state of the cells in our body as specific groups of cell are responsible in handling specific functions of the body’s regulatory system, as a result, when certain groups of cell are damaged will automatically affect one or more functions of the regulatory process which consequently will produce certain types of illness and disease. It is crucial to understand that a healthiness of each cell is fully determined by how much vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in ideal amount and variety it gets, and since our body cannot produce much of the vitamins and minerals by itself, it has to get the nutritional supply from foods (as a primary source) as well as nutritional supplements. For the fact that most adults do not eat the right amount and range of foods to properly feed their cells, that means taking high-quality vitamin & mineral supplements is highly recommended to maintain proper level of vitamins and minerals required by the body's regulatory system.
A deficiency of a vitamin or a mineral will cause a malfunction on one or more of a body's function or organ and eventually will trigger a breakdown, and like dominos, other body's parts will follow.
James F. Balch, M.D. (Prescription For Nutritional Healing)
It is without a doubt to say that taking nutritional supplements is utmost necessary to ensure your body gets all key nutrients to fully function at optimum level on a daily basis given the facts that foods alone cannot provide all important vitamins and minerals your body so desperately needs, and so, when it comes to protecting your long-term health and wellness from damaging effects of B Vitamin deficiency, it’s absolutely important as well that you take high-quality nutritional supplements such as Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid to ensure you always have a perfect balance of B Vitamins every day to help you experience more robust health and wellness all the time. Keep in mind also that taking just any B Vitamin supplement may only deliver a tiny percentage (only about 1.2%) of B Vitamin nutrients because regular B Vitamin and multivitamin pills initially will have to go through your digestive system before getting absorbed into your bloodstream, while on the other hand Sublingual B-12 delivers B Vitamin nutrients directly into the bloodstream sublingually from underneath the tongue bypassing the digestive system altogether, this breakthrough process allows your body to absorb these critical B Vitamin nutrients in the bloodstream much easier, much more effective that is able to raise blood plasma level over 90%, therefore it’s wise that you know this fact in order to make an informed decision to pick the right B Vitamin product. Clearly, as scientists and medical care experts around the world keep confirming, the key roles B Vitamins play in bolstering your overall, long-term health are paramount and it's simply far too important to ignore.